In the recent times, students have been resorting to various free online plagiarism checking software, in a bid to avoid plagiarism in literary and scholarly works. In the past few years, more than 50,000 students have been caught stealing work, as per the findings of a UK based research institution. This figure, however, does not include students who plagiarized content and were not caught by their teachers and institutes. This denotes that the actual number of students resorting to plagiarized work is escalating.

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If you are on the look-out for solutions related to the above mentioned problems, this article is the right place for you, as it will help you to understand more about plagiarism and why plagiarism checking tools are important to prevent it.
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Non-plagiarized content is a savior:
Non-plagiarized content is vital for students to build a strong and balanced profile as a research scholar or academician. Integrity and honesty are two pertinent aspects of learning and writing and hence their significance cannot be set aside. Also, in the present times the punishment of plagiarism is much severe and can even put the academic future of a student at stake. That’s why it becomes essential for an through an appropriate check plagiarism process to avoid any unpleasant situation. You can get assistance from an online tool in this regard. A plethora of check plagiarism tools are available over the web that enables you to detect any piracy in content quickly. What is plagiarism: we explained that in the video.

The need of the hour is to assist students in getting a know-how about non-plagiarized content and how content from different sources can be paraphrased and amalgamated with the ideas of the student. It is important to educate them about the plagiarism checking service that are available so that they can stay away from the menace of plagiarism.
Why not to plagiarize content?
Plagiarism is an unethical act and in some countries is deemed unlawful. Stealing or borrowing content without mentioning or citing the source in a research article is equivalent to copying someone else’s content and can lead to punishments and even fines.
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It is important not to plagiarize content due to several reasons. Some possible reasons can be: it saves students from securing low grades at college and university, it allows them to broaden their research faculties and come up with their own innovative ideas, helps them to achieve mastery in the act of rephrasing content and can save them from the embarrassment of stealing someone else’s work and using it with their own name.
Why Plagiarism is unethical?
Plagiarism is unethical for two reasons: firstly, it can be considered stealing as you are taking someone else’s ideas which is equivalent to intellectual property theft. Secondly obtaining a degree by plagiarizing content is equivalent to buying a degree instead of acquiring or attaining it with hard work and labour. How to avoid plagiarism: we have explained in video

How to save myself:
In majority cases, students can save themselves from the dire consequences of plagiarism and can also avoid it. The best way to avoid plagiarism is to cite sources and acknowledge the efforts of the actual author by providing his/her details.
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Also, students can prevent plagiarism by passing their content through different free plagiarism checking websites. This can allow them to get the exact percentage of plagiarized content in their writings and assignments. Another way is to summarize the actual content or paraphrase it, keeping plagiarism under control; reducing the chances of detection.
Step by step guide to avoid plagiarism
Finding information for your research paper or assignment is relatively easier, but using the very same content in your writing in the right manner to avoid plagiarism is a tedious task. Avoiding plagiarism is not difficult, but can be a very technical and daunting for beginners. Following are some of the ways through which you can avoid plagiarism:
1. Paraphrasing is the only way out:
If you have come across a valuable piece of information or a scientific fact or figure, do not add that to your paper straight away. Read the content and grasp the gist of it and write it in your own words. Never copy the sentence or quote, but try to change it in accordance to your need and area of research.
2. Cite the source:
Citing can be effective to avoid plagiarism as well. You can follow the formatting guidelines provided by your professor (APA, MLA and Chicago) and can cite the source from where you are grasping the idea from. This includes mentioning the name and date of publication. Remember, failing to cite the source properly can lead to plagiarism claims.
3. Write ideas as quotes:
If you need to use the exact words of the writer or author, you can write it in the form of a quote. A good scholar paraphrases content and puts time and effort. However, quoting can be an easy way out to avoid plagiarism.
4. Citing the quotes:
Citing quotes is relatively different than citing paraphrased content. You need to add the paragraph or page number of the book or webpage you are using as a source. Failing to do so, can always lead to plagiarism allegations. Remember that.
5. Cite if you are using your own content:
If you are using a previous writing in any concurrent assignment or work, you must always cite your work properly. You are supposed to treat your content the same way you would treat someone else’s work.
Read more: Download Free Turnitin Plagiarism Checker Report
6. Work on your referencing game:
Referencing is also an easy way out to avoid plagiarism. This includes the list of studies you are using and must be in accordance to the formatting guidelines followed by your educational institute.
7. Use plagiarism checking software:
Plagiarism checking software can also help to avoid plagiarism in your research study. These tools are quite handy to check the percentage of plagiarized content and also the sources from where you have taken the content. These tools are free and also come up with a meagre subscription fee. These tools are quite rewarding for writers and can save them from removing plagiarism from the content manually.
Read more: Turnitin Plagiarism Software
How plagiarism checking software can come handy:
The number of online sources have multiplied over the course of time and hence more students are tempted to use someone else’s ideas and writings. They are becoming habitual of copy-pasting material and face serious consequences, if caught plagiarizing material. In below video will guide you how to paraphrase

If you are a student or researcher you need to be aware of the negative consequences of plagiarism and how you can avoid it. A lot of students are not aware of the various plagiarism checking service that are available in the market and are quite handy to use.
Popular plagiarism checking tools in the market!
These handy software can help produce 100 percent plagiarism free original content, pinpointing the human errors and mistakes that are made while writing. These tools are very effective to check you assignments, essays and dissertations. They can also mark the potential areas that have higher levels of plagiarism, leaving no room for error. Want to know the pros and cons of these software:
Some popular plagiarism checking software include: Turnitin, Writecheck, Unplag, Copyscape, Duplichecker, Plagscan, Viper anti-plagiarism scanner and Plagtracker just to name a few.
Gains from these plagiarism checkers
Plagiarism checkers have numerous advantages for students and research scholars. They are extremely easy to use and majority of them provide completely free access to users. Some benefits or advantages of these checkers include:
Also See: 5 Tips to Avoid Plagiarism
1. Diverse range of database
These tools or checkers allow students to access a wide range of online database for cross referencing and finding the source of a particular piece of information. Certain books or articles that are not readily available online are also a part of their database, even the ones that are not easy to locate and search on google.
2. Draw maximum benefits from work-related endeavors
These handy checkers allow students to polish their writing and research skills as well. They assist them in making an effort and working hard for the completion of their work-related endeavors, instead of copying someone else’s work. Students can rephrase and omit lines or sentences that are not their own and can save them from the ‘plagiarizer tag’.
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3. Provides a perfect percentage match
Plagiarism checking software allow students to find out the total percentage of similarities and matches in their content with just one click. These software even allow teachers to find out if their students are plagiarizing work. It assists them in scanning the exact count in class assignments and homework. Also, universities have a set percentage level for plagiarism and hence these software can help students to keep this count below the stipulated limit.
4. Excellent educational tool
Plagiarism detecting software serve as an excellent educational tool and helps in detecting similar or copied content. They can make students aware of the exact plagiarism count, allowing them to either cut down or rephrase the copied material.
Do Check Out: How to Use Turnitin plagiarism checker free online
At times, the stress levels soar high and hence students before submitting their assignments can check them beforehand, through these software. It also allows them to improve their paraphrasing skills. Professors can use them to pinpoint how students can properly cite the sources and enhance their writing and research skills.
How to choose reliable plagiarism checker?
Choosing a reliable and effective plagiarism checker is vital to ensure that your content is free from plagiarism. Remember not all software are reliable to check your content and hence choosing an authentic software is pertinent to detect the exact count. A user-friendly plagiarism software must include:
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1. Comprehensive plagiarism report
A good plagiarism software provides a detailed comprehensive report, giving individual percentage for each source. It also highlights different sentences with different colors so that the user can easily check areas with higher percentage counts in the text. It also highlights other problems in the text as well such as grammatical issues, good or bad lines and quotes that need paraphrasing etc.
2. Security
While surfing the net, you will find multiple websites offering plagiarism checking options, some free and other paid. But remember, not all of these websites are safe for users. Some websites have mentioned this in their terms of service as well that they are allowed to use your content after some time. They also mention that they free to upload your work and hence you need to be really careful while pasting your work in their text boxes.
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3. Variety of sources
This feature allows users a detailed account of the references that have been plagiarized, along with their sources. It includes a large database that contains thousands of sources which at times cannot be located through the search engines. It highlights the exact site from where you have taken the piece of writing from and includes public, private and even web sources.
4. Download reports
This feature can allow users to download their reports and share with their teachers and even employers. These reports can be kept as a record and can be forwarded to the relevant person.
5. Can detect references and citations
Detecting citations and references are vital for research scholars and students. This feature adds to the reliability and credibility of plagiarism detecting software and evaluate or access these citations independently from the content. Some checkers have special algorithms to access or evaluate the exact sequence of citations.
6. Has a custom library
A good detecting software offers a custom library option that is very useful for users who work as writers, authors or content reviewers. This feature can allow them to access the originality and uniqueness of their work, particularly when they have to write 10 or 20 similar pieces in one day. They can create libraries and can compare and contrast new files with the older ones.
7. Offers multiple file format options
A good plagiarism checker must feature the option to submit files in multiple formats. This can save the time of the user, as they can easily upload their files without spending time on converting them from one format to another.
Without doubt plagiarism checking tools are the new talk of the town and are extremely critical for students if they wish to uphold their integrity. These handy software’s can allow them to give due weightage or significance to their research and ace their assignments with flying colors.
These software’s can save you from lower grades and marks. They can also save you from the hassle of resubmitting your assignments again and again, and even getting suspended from university or college on account of plagiarizing content.
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