Blogging gives you a wonderful opportunity to connect to mass audience and share your thoughts, ideas and experiences with them. Anyone who wants to share his or her personal experience can start blogging, here we discuss 18 essential steps to follow for blog growth. There is plenty of space for everyone on web. This is a platform to get global reach. It helps in inspiring others with your experiences, thoughts and ideas.
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By observing rapidly growing number of blogs, it can be said that blogging is one of the most powerful form of modern media. Blogs are more interesting and understandable for readers and are even preferred over magazines and newspapers.
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Blogging for beginners can be complicated and sometimes demotivating if they do not get the desired audience. In order to get optimum audience traffic, they need to make their blogs more appealing and for that there are some useful tips for blogging that will help them to start a blog business.
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18 Essential Steps To Follow For Blog Growth
If you want to earn money and are curious to know how to start a blog business then following wonderful 18 Essential Steps To Follow For Blog Growth
Select A Topic That Interests Both The Blogger And The Readers
When you plan to write a blog, first select an interesting topic. Audience like to read blogs which they find interesting and has some story to tell. Such blogs capture readers’ attention and keep their interest in reading full posts. It depends on readers’ interest that which blogging category they find more interesting.
Craft Its Outline and Draft
Before writing a blog, you must know what main points you have to add in the blog to grab readers’ attention. For this purpose, it is recommended to make an outline of the blog topic listing the major points and then start writing on it. A perfect format should be designed to adjust the flow of writing. A carefully chosen blog format makes it highly readable and engaging for the audience.
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Build A Connection With The Audience
Build a connection before conveying your message to them. At the beginning of your first blog post, you may add some personal information about yourself, this would build a connection between you and the audience and a flow in the writing.
Conduct Thorough Research on the Topic
Research is very important before starting any new thing. Blogging is a way to reach your audience and for that you first need to know your target audience preferences and their interest. Blogging is a strong medium to market your products and services but before writing about any product or service, through research must be done to get market knowledge and complete awareness regarding your offering. It also helps identifying audience demands and their requirements.
Check for Keywords
Adding key words in blog will make you easy to be searched on web. Utilize key words that would help in search engine optimization. Key words help in making your post stand away from the competition. When you create a post and add key words in it, it becomes easier for your audience and the search bar like Google to understand what your content is about.
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Use of keywords is intended to attract the right traffic for your post and for this you need to need to choose the most appropriate key words for your blog post. You can use free tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest for that purpose they are very handy and free of cost.
Add Headings to Grab Readers’ Attention
Headings make a content more appealing and by giving a look at headings, readers identify if the post is beneficial for them or not. Headings also makes the content more understandable for the readers. Headings help in making a proper flow of writing. Headings make a blog more attractive and easy for readers to understand. Headings should be informative as well.
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Use Images and Other Visuals
Using relevant images and visuals makes blog more appealing for the readers. Blogging is an art of story-telling and for mastering this art, words alone are not enough. You need to incorporate visual elements as well to improve the content. Instead of writing lengthy paragraphs, write paragraphs based on few short sentences and break up your content by adding visuals.
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Visuals will bring a pattern in your blog post even if someone is scanning through your blog, images will catch their attention and will definitely make them stop and read the full post.
Explaining Complex Topics
You need to elaborate those points that are difficult for readers to understand. Blogs must be written in easy language to target mass audience. They should have short paragraphs with not too lengthy sentences.
Add Some Humor as Cherry on top
Adding humor to the content can also develop readers’ interest in the post and it can also help in improving the overall flow of the blog. Humor may relate to any of your personal life experiences, it would bring positive effect on the reader’s mind.
Link your Blog Post to Social Media
It is a digital era and social media is a platform to reach millions of people. Social media provides you a number of effective strategies and techniques to make your content more shareable. It provides you essential tools and guide you to starting a blog business of your own and generate money out of it. These social media websites also help to grow your blog in such a competitive market.
Results are based on target readers that is why it is recommended to analyze your target readers first. If you blog post is more about professionalism and business you might have more traffic from Linkedin
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You can start a Facebook page for your blog where you can update your readers on regular basis. Social media book marking sites such as DIGG and Reddit can be used by you and your friends to promote your blog posts. You can make more focus on Facebook, twitter and Pinterest if your target audience is more visual. Once you start getting the traffic, you will be able to analyze if you have targeted the right audience.
Build Online Communities
You can build online communities to promote your content. You will have a one-to-one communication with the communities to update them about your next posts and to keep them engage with your posts. It will also help you in getting their feedback. These communities help in building a strong connection with your readers.
Create a User-Friendly Platform
To create a positive user experience, creating a user-friendly platform is very important. In todays’ environment your website to be entertaining, informative and offering comfortable experience at the same time. Visitors’ stay on the page depends upon several things that you need to know before designing a website for your blog post. For this first step that you should take is getting input from your target audience. It will help you in discovering elements that you might have missed on your own.
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Speed up your Website
No one will wait for your website to load if it takes more than 3 seconds. For keeping visitors on your site, you need to speed up your site, delaying in website loading loses visitors’ interest. For speeding up your website you need to optimize images and check your server’s speed. Moreover, you can take help from website checking tools including Google’s Page Speed Insights and Pingdom.
Do Not Miss out Any Information
Your customers want answers to all of their queries. So, provide them in-depth information about the product or service you are offering. Providing incomplete information and hiding something can build frustration for users and they might switch to competitors website.
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Make Navigation Intuitive
Provide perfect guide to your website visitors. Whenever readers visit a website, they look for navigation bar in order to guide them where to go for which product. Navigation bar has listed all the products category wise. So it helps user to find about his desired product in an easy way. Whenever users will land on your website, navigation intuitive will them and guide them to their desired page. It will satisfy the readers and will bring positive image of the product and the company as a whole.
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Proof-Read the Blog
Proof read your content or else get ready to face embarrassment. Proof-reading guides in adding important points and deleting extra ones. Your blog may have some kind of spelling mistake, grammatical mistake or any error in sentence structure, for that you may consult to any editor who can check your document or there are many online tools available as well. There are many professional proof reading services available online where professional writers are editors are available to help you in writing

Edit Wherever Required
A perfect content needs perfect editing. Now, you need to ensure that your content is of high-quality and for that you have to edit your blog where you find any mistake. Editing of blog is very important before publishing any post to avoid any kind of embarrassment.
Plagiarism Checking
You must ensure that you have added such points in your blog that would make it different from those of competitors’. You must ensure that your content is creative, unique and free from any plagiarism. Plagiarism is highly unacceptable in any case that is why you should check plagiarism from plagiarism checker software available online.

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We are here to help you to standout of the crowd by providing plagiarism free content writing services and also help you to setup and grow your blog organically with awesome user friendly and search engine friendly content So Feel free to Contact Us or you can directly messaging us on WhatsApp.
After completing all formalities, your blog is ready to be published online. Now wait and watch for the readers’ response. Good luck!