Turnitin AI detection tool

Turnitin AI Detection Tool: A New Addition to its Already Popular Academic Integrity Solutions- January 2024

Turnitin, one of the leading plagiarism detection tools in the academic world, has launched an AI writing detector to flag content either written or sourced with the help of ChatGPT and other AI writing tools with 98 percent accuracy. This newest model aims to counter the rising challenges resulting from the uncanny talent of ChatGPT in imitating human writing styles, language, and thought processes- a threat to academic integrity at the hands of technological advancements

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Through this Turnitin AI Detection Tool, the company is once again ensuring educators that they can analyze the authenticity and honesty of the academic work by separating the work done by robots or by AI writing machines from the students’ writing.

Turnitin AI detection tool

AI writing tools like ChatGPT, which aimed at enhancing and advancing learning solutions for students, have emerged as a unique source of plagiarism. The positive aspects of these AI writing tools are being played down by students’ misuse of the platform to plagiarize content and complete their assignments and projects without any effort or hard work. 

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This growing trend is forcing educators to question work’s authenticity and resort to the right tools to dig out plagiarized content from original work to be fair in their assessments. Considering the agitation among educators, Turnitin has introduced an AI writing detector feature that can facilitate educators to access whether the content has been written by a robot or by the student through thorough research and articulation of thought processes.

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This feature allows educators to get an experimental AI similarity score submitted work, highlighting the percentage of content taken from AI tools by analyzing the AI-generated patterns used within the text. 

Turnitin has tested this feature in over 10,000 higher and secondary education institutes to gauge its efficacy in pinpointing sentence-by-sentence analysis of the work to deter this new form of cheating among students that have taken the academic world by storm. Turnitin official further asserts that this tool has a very low false positive rate and works on a distinct pattern that can easily detect and identify ways humans write differently from AI. 

Turnitin AI report

How does Turnitin AI detection tool works?

Turnitin is the most popular and renowned plagiarism checker tool, which has allowed educators to restrict copying or plagiarizing content to ensure honesty and fairness in the educational system. Turnitin plagiarism checker has been used by millions of educators and students around the globe for the past several years. Now it is all set to launch a new AI detection tool that can be useful in countering the negative effects of AI. This handy tool can pinpoint the text generated by GPT-3, Chat GPT, and other AI writing robots and machines. Educators and institutes can only use this feature to analyze originality, and it is unavailable for students.

Turnitin AI writing detection tool

The Turnitin AI writing detection tool is similar to its plagiarism checker tool, providing an all-encompassing AI writing report with similarity percentages. This tool divides the content into segments and then analyzes each part to pinpoint AI-generated patterns. The AI writing report scores indicate what sentences have been taken from the AI tool, allowing the educator to better assess the student’s performance, without going through the tedious process of manually checking the plagiarized content.

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Turnitin asserts that this analysis should be taken as an indication or predicted plagiarism, not as an accusation against the students. Moreover, it suggests that educators analyze other indicators and analytics to get evidence about plagiarism.

Turnitin AI detection tool

Reliability of Turnitin AI detection tool

Turnitin ensures that the AI writing report provided by the tool is correct up to 98 percent. In its preview phase, it was tested in the Turnitin AI innovation lab to ensure its reliability and authenticity; however, many question the software’s sustainability and accuracy. 

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Critics argue that the Turnitin AI writing report must not be used as a source to flag students. The experimental AI similarity score should be an indication and expectant tool to analyze students’ work. Still, it cannot be the sole evidence to claim plagiarism. They also argue that the Turnitin AI detection tool is prone to false positive results. 

Read More: Turnitin unveils AI writing detection tool

Upon experimenting with the reliability of the Turnitin AI writing report, critics found out that its strategy of separating and comparing the human style of writing from that of the AI writing tool, cannot be trusted fully, as it sometimes fails in highlighting the sourced text.

Secondly, it is being labeled as a stopgap or interim solution, which cannot sustain in today’s advanced technological era. With every update in AI tools, the detection of AI writing will become difficult; hence, the tool will need upgradation along the way. Moreover, it will be difficult for AI writing detectors to indicate plagiarism in the future, in a sustainable way. 

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It is still questionable whether Turnitin or any other AI detection tool will sustain in providing integrity solutions to the institutes and educators in the coming times.

Turnitin AI detection tool


The introduction of AI writing tools has helped students and researchers get valuable information online without going through websites, online sources, and books to research a specific topic or area. It has enabled them to learn about things that make them curious and how to present information in an appealing and comprehensive manner to engage the reader. However, now the utilization of these AI writing robots and tools has taken a U-turn, as they are now being used for plagiarizing content for academic purposes.

These tools threaten the academic integrity of institutes and educators known for preaching fairness and honesty in completing educational undertakings. However, with the launch of the Turnitin AI detection tool, educators and institutes can easily identify AI-generated text from students’ work to check the authenticity of their writings. Although it is being questioned for its weaknesses by critics, this new Turnitin AI detection tool is a breath of fresh air- a much-needed tool to end the abuse of ChatGPT and any other AI writing tools by students and researchers.

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