7 Tips on Writing Better University Assignment

7 Tips on Writing Better University Assignment

One of the things you learn to do in university is writing longer assignments that require a higher level of thinking than you were used to in high school. While some people find it unbearable, others see it as the perfect opportunity to flex their critical thinking muscles. Assignment writing could be better if you approached it in the simplistic manner we are about to break down below.

Assignment Writing Tips Before started

A lot goes into writing an essay, such as reading about the topic from various sources and sorting the most useful reference material. Most of the time, lecturers are generous with lists of resources, but students do not pay enough attention. Other online resources for research include Blackboard, I Learn. Moodle, and Canvas. Using Learning Management Systems has been linked with better grades among students.

While you want to carefully consider the deadline at this stage, it is part of what determined the pace you will work with. You can then break down the assignment writing into manageable chunks based on the time you have left. Where possible, start as soon as you can to avoid the last-minute rush likely to result in poor grades. While researching, note down the sources you intend to cite to make compilation easier when you are done writing.

Give Mind to Referencing

At the start of a semester, students are taught various referencing styles such as APA, Harvard, Vancouver, and Chicago, which they should take seriously. Using someone else’s words and ideas without crediting them is an offense since it amounts to plagiarism which is also cheating. You will be penalized for failing to recognize this in your writing, so you want to ensure you get it right from the get-go.

You may want to save time by using referencing software such as EndNote or Mendeley that have been rated quite highly by other essay writers. But before using these resources, familiarize yourself with the required citation style of your discipline so you can edit your references appropriately.

Structure your Assignment

Before you get started with the writing, structure the article. Decide what information goes into the intro, the body, and how you will conclude. You want to have the key points well laid out, so it makes it easier to expound on them. With a structure, you are able to have a better argument since every important detail is set out clearly.

When structuring your arguments, you want to start the paragraphs strong so that the reader is motivated to get deeper after scanning. You also want to assume your lecturer will read every detail, so ensure the argument after the opening statement supports what follows. Ideally, your entire writing should stick to the topic and deliver punches throughout.

Use the Right Tone and Voice

Essay writing requires the use of professional language, which is what you want to apply to the end. You will be quoting scholars throughout your paper using their points of view. Generally, the third person is accepted for essays as it creates a separation between the writer and text. No shorthand is allowed, of course. Also, the way you structure your sentences could make all the difference.

For instance, “This paper is about the earth and how it could suddenly get hotter’ Vs. “This paper explains the effects of climate change on Earth” are two different sentences talking about the same thing. The second is clear and to the point, which is the language and tone you want to use for this sort of writing.

Give it Time to Rest

Once you have written your essay, give it a little time before you can edit and proofread it. Since you are looking for ways to make the text the best, reading it several hours after you wrote it gives you a fresh point of view. You will not only be looking for errors but also ensuring your writing makes sense and aligns with the topic. This is why we mentioned timelines when planning since this rest time will need to be accounted for before you start writing. To make the best out of an essay, you want to have a first then final draft, and the freedom to look over your work well only happens when you are not chasing a deadline. Where possible, have it peer-reviewed.

Proofread and Edit

You do not want to rush at the end such that you have no time to edit your work. You find that an essay does better when you have had time to read it through carefully and correct all the mistakes you may have made along the way. Luckily, tools such as Grammarly catch most of the mistakes you may have made, but that is not enough. Mistakes in sentence structure could still go undetected, necessitating a human mind to note them.

If you cannot edit your own work for whatever reason, it helps to have someone who could help. They could be a friend or hired services that proofread and edit professionally at a fee. The aim, at the end of the day, is to submit your best work yet that will get you the best grades.

Ask for Help

If you really tried to get started and even followed all the tips here but still couldn’t get it done, then you may want to consider asking for help. There are several online agencies offering assignment writing help to students of any level of education if you searched a little deeper. You don’t have to hand in the assignment writing done for you; rather, use it as a guide to do your own while taking advantage of the professional research provided. When you decide to do this, you want to ensure your instructions are clear to get your money’s best value.

Practice to Get Better

Written communication is necessary for every aspect of life, and so it is a skill worth developing. Over time and with practice, you get better. The trick is to do it as often as possible and trying to outdo yourself each time. Things such as referencing and citations also get better with practice, so buckle up!

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